Bug Boy B'abel Zoon

♦ Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
♦ Rhalgr The Destroyer
♦ Pugilist, Ul'Dah
♦ Monk Main

B'abel (Bay-Bull), spelled Babel in game because I'm not changing his name just to add an apostrophe, has been my main since I started, a very rare occurrence for me. Originally, his name was Bonzai Nudnik, but I changed it around the end of the ARR MSQ along with tweaking his appearance with a fantasia.

When first creating him, I went with Thaumaturge as his starting class because I thought it looked cool, but I decided to remake him and choose pugilist because I was a monk in WOW.

The backstory I'm slowly developing for him is that B'abel moved to Eorzea from somewhere in Ilsabard or Meracydia from a moon keeper tribe he was adopted into as a teen. He wanted to become a Monk/Pugilist because of stories he's heard of Ala Mhigo and this is also why his guardian is Rhalgr (outside the game, that choice was a complete coincidence).

He's also trans because of course he is and mainly uses sign language, although over the course of the story he does begin to speak out loud more often out of necessity. I haven't really thought about how old he is yet, but I do like imagining him as younger than the other adult scions.

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