This Site Is Whatever I Want It To Be, You're Just Along for the Ride

Welcome! this page is best viewed on a 1920X1080 desktop. If you use chromium, you're not welcome here (only half joking).
I only started to get actively into updating this site in August 2022 so it doesn't really matter why I created it in the first place. Currently, it's for whatever I want whenever i want, it is My Blace after all.
The webmaster is named Ouroboros (Bo), and you can learn more about me on the about page under the Somewhere Else tab up above, feel free to go wherever you want tho, I'm not your dad.

Like What You See?

If you want to know how I did something, or just want some tips, feel free to reach out to me! I'm definitely not the best, but I think I'd be able to help anyone new to making a website. No promises that I'll be able to answer all your questions, though.

I don't mind people copy and pasting my code, as along as you style it in your own unique way. Copying it one to one is weird, don't even think about it.

Video of the Whenever

meow mix

What's Bo Thinkin About?

Webrings and Listings

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Transmasculine Pride Webring

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